January 19, 2021
What does 2021 hold for mixed-sex civil partnerships?
Congratulations – and commiserations, We’re running out of ways to say 2020 was a year like no other but we do feel particularly for all the mixed-sex couples who have waited so long to register their civil partnership only to be paused by lockdowns and covid restrictions.
To those of you who were able to register your relationship, we are thrilled for you. Please continue to send in your photos for #ADateToCelebrate. There are far too many to post here and all are fantastic, we don’t want to single any out! Take a look through the pictures here
Email them and your stories to hello@equalcivilpartnerships.org.uk
ECP in 2020
Although mixed-sex civil partnerships became a legal reality at the very end of 2019, our work continued in 2020, ensuring that mixed-sex civil partnerships enjoy a high profile, building understanding and acceptance of them and fighting all discrimination from register offices, financial or legal organisations.
Some of our projects have included:
- Building a register of both couples who would like witnesses provided for them from the ECP community and supporters happy to witness for others. We have successfully matched up many couples already. Do sign up if you would like to help or be helped in this way.
- Campaigning for digital registration to provide legal and financial protection during a national crisis.
- Ensuring that civil partnerships receive due prominence through case histories in the media – particularly dealing with registrations having to be cancelled.
- Providing a voice for civil partnerships in the Law Commission’s review of protocols surrounding marriage
- Continuing to support mixed-sex civil partnerships in Scotland.
- Individual discussions with register offices/financial companies where communication or service has failed in understanding mixed-sex civil partnerships
- Undertaking #RateYourRegisterOffice, allowing us to celebrate those register offices who have been particularly helpful and to identify areas needing improvement.
- Creation of our shop allowing supporters to buy a range of ECP branded goodies from mugs to hoodies.
Some of the items available in our ECP shop
ECP in 2021
We hope that we will soon be able to celebrate registrations once again! And we are delighted that we are receiving our first anniversary celebration so do send us a picture of yours!
Plans for the year ahead include:
- Continuing to build our witness register database helping couples who would like us to provide witnesses
- Provide awareness training around mixed-sex civil partnerships for register offices. We will be proactively offering this to register offices who scored badly in #RateYourRegisterOffice but are already working with individual register offices who have already asked for help.
- Maintaining a help-desk for all queries relating to mixed-sex civil partnerships.
- Continuing to support, celebrate and to fight on your behalf where needed.
- Celebrating the start of mixed-sex civil partnerships in Scotland, due to become a reality in 2021.
How you can help us
If you have had your civil partnership in 2020, please donate to help us support other couples to have the Civil Partnership they have been waiting so long for. And if you weren’t able to go ahead with yours, your donation will allow us to support you when the time comes.
To support us
Give a regular monthly donation – and receive a free gift in return. It takes just 2 minutes to fill out the form.
Give a one-off donation via our GoFundMe page